Once Again. Here it is: the updated What’s New in Application for all versions from BC18 (Release Wave 1 2021) up until BC25 (Release Wave
Category: Application
Standard costing Deep Dive in Business Central
Standard costing was previously the go-to costing method for manufacturing, but there can be many other uses for standard costing both in manufacturing and in
Average costing Deep Dive in Business Central
For many years Average Costing were extremely difficult to explain to the customers. It helped a lot with the cost breakdown that was launched with
Removing the default checklist on the Role Center – or making your own!
For a long time, I have been really annoyed with the “Getting Started” checklist that seems impossible to remove from the Role Center in Business
Scrapping items to different G/L accounts in Dynamics NAV and Business Central
One of the questions I get very often is: how do I control which G/L accounts are being used, when the inventory is adjusted in
First approval in a Business Central approver group approves all
Every time I demonstrate the built-in approval workflow in Business Central, I get the same question. How can I configure so that the first approver
Deprecation of User Groups and Introduction to the Composable Permission Sets
As a part of Feature Management for BC22, Microsoft introduced the feature: Control Access to Business Central Using Security Groups. The feature consists of two
At last, my book is here
Time flies when you are having fun. Imagine this, it has been 8 years since my first version of Manufacturing with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and
Repairing a produced item after the order is finalized
Many times, an error that occurred in a production is not discovered before it is too late and the production order is finalized. If the
Undoing purchase receipts after items have been moved
One problem that my customers face very often is undoing receipts, after the items have accidently been received and moved from the receive bin. The