For a long time, I have been really annoyed with the “Getting Started” checklist that seems impossible to remove from the Role Center in Business Central.
That was until I found out, that it actually possible not only to remove the checklist, but you can actually make your own checklists.
Also, in the later versions, a Skip Checklist action has appeared in the lower left corner, and that’s great but it only applies to me as a user, not everybody.
On the Sales Order Processor Role Center, the above checklist appears.
Many times, I have tried to run through the checklist, skipping every item, in order to make it disappear, but seems impossible to remove the checklist totally.
If I instead accept to spend the time and go through the check list, I get the following window:
Guiding me through the Role Center page:
After Completing this step, I am guided to the next step which is an Assisted Setup.
Ok, so how is this actually built?
The Checklist Administration page will explain the checklist functionality for me:
Here it is possible to see which Role Centers have checklists.
Let’s first check out how a checklist item is built.
So, I filter to see only checklist items that belong to the Sales Order Processor Role Center and Multiple, next I sort it by Order ID:
Next, I open the first item: Take a look around:
Let’s run through:
- The Guided Experience Tour:
The Guided Experience Tour has these options
Assisted Setup
This will guide the user through one of the predefines Assisted Setups.
Manual Setup
This will guide the user through one of the predefines Manual Setup pages.
This will send the user to Microsoft Learn. It is possible to customize the link used.
This is one out of a number of predefined tours highlighting the three role centers: Sales Order Processor, Business Manager and Accountant using teaching tips.
Spotlight Tour
This is one out of a number of predefined Spotlight Tours, like Edit and analyze in Excel
This is one out of a number of predefined product videos related to the Role Center
Application Feature
This is one out of a number of predefined Guided Experiences like Overview your posted sales invoices
- Depending on the Guided Experience Tour selection, the task will be one of the above options.
- The Tasks have different expected durations, which have been created with the task.
- The page to run that has been included in the task.
- The Completion Requirements can be:
- Anyone with roles (everybody)
- Everyone with roles
- Specific users
- In which order should the task be executed.
- This is depending on the Completion Requirements field and it can be either:
- Everyone with roles: The users assigned to the profiles(roles) will have the checklist shown
- Specific User: The users specified will have the checklist shown
There is also a New button, where it is possible to assign checklist items to other users and Role Centers.
But there is also a Delete button!
So, I will delete all the existing checklists to avoid annoyance from all the users:
Now the users are not presented with the out-of-the-box checklists that have been driving them crazy, and I can create my own new relevant checklists.