Business Central What’s New in Application BC18 to BC23

Business Central What’s New in Application BC18 to BC23

You know the feeling.

You enter a page in Business Central, spot a field and think; When on earth did Microsoft implement that feature.

I have these aha experiences every now and then. Therefore, I decided to make an overview of all the new features that have been introduced from BC 18 up until and including BC 23. What I seriously missed was an overview that was grouped by the modules. This does not include Feature Management functionality since they are not officially part of the Base Application.

This in an ongoing task and I might decide to enhance it more in the future, but we’ll see. And who knows, if I decide to enhance it with new functionality fra BC14 to BC17 later?

Finance BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
Bank reconciliation
Dimension corrections (for G/L Entries) X
More control over settings for Default Dimensions X
Payment reconciliation journal improvements X
Simplified bank statement file import X
Dimension issues detection and repair tool X
Account schedules – Budget Name filter for columns and more templates added X
Bank and payment
Chart of Accounts Overview page X
Improved user experience to keep posting setup and dimension issues from going wrong X
Posting Preview can now show G/L and VAT entries in hierarchical view and is easily extensible X
Blocking deletion of G/L accounts X
Payment reconciliation journal – Preview Posting enabled X
Finance BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
Bank Account Statement report X
Block VAT and General Posting Setups X
Check documents and journals in while you work X
Consolidate customer and vendor balances X
Finding documents and entries efficiently (Find Entries) X
More control over deferrals posting X
Set default dimensions on locations X
Create bank deposits X
Better bank reconciliation for checks and improved reporting X
Extended text functionality for VAT clauses X
Financial reporting replaces account schedules X
New VAT Date field on documents and entries X
Use multiple remit-to addresses for vendors (Checks) X
Reverse payment
reconciliation journal entries
Finance BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
New VAT date range limitation
Review general ledger accounts faster X
Set default dimensions on locations, inventory
documents, and journals
Usability improvements to Financial Reporting pages X
Use statistical accounts to collect data for financial reports X
Copy links when posting general journals X
Use realized gain or loss entries to reverse ledger entries X
Reverse a customer and vendor ledger entry with a realized gain or loss entry X
Consolidate financial information across
environments in multicompany
Use General Ledger Allocations to distribute costs and revenue more efficiently X
Adjust exchange rates easily, replace the built-in batch job X
More control over general journal approvals X
Use different general ledger accounts for payables, receivables X
Trade BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
Edit active prices in Prices Overview and implement price changes using Price Worksheet X
Use new templates with same flexibility as configuration templates X
Default line type in the sales and purchase documents X
Item variant code on demand forecasts X
Keep track of historical IBAN number when vendor bank account number changes X
More control over address information data entry X
More control over currency exchange rate adjustment X
Remove obsolete reports 204, 205, 206, and 207 X
Change default company bank account on sales and service documents X
Release and reopen multiple documents X
Find posted and non-posted document lines in search X
Catalog items use standard number series, can include in blanket sales orders X
Get more info about customer ledger entries when posting X
Navigate easier between order, receipt, and invoice documents X
Suggest the next step for sales and production orders X
Sync document and posting dates for sales and purchases X
Generate a customer statement only with open entries X
Include only open entries on customer statements X
Inventory & Warehouse BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
Inventory Receipt, Inventory Shipment, and Posted documents X
Introducing Availability by Lot X
Adjusting item costs to the background Automatically X
Automatic creation of lot and serial number information cards X
Bin codes in jobs X
Add non-inventory items on requisition and planning worksheets X
Enable or disable Item References from Inventory Setup X
Locations for non-inventory items X
Rounding for base unit of measure X
Support alternative units of measure in warehouse documents for items that are tracked by serial numbers X
Shipping agent information is copied from sales orders to warehouse shipments X
Support inventory pick and warehouse pick operations for jobs X
Flexible sorting in the Planning Worksheet page X
Make entry of variant codes required X
Post item charges for each step of the process X
Avoid document number errors when you post item journals X
Bin Code and Zone Code fields are dynamically shown on warehouse documents X
Define an invoice posting policy for various users X
Define content of created warehouse documents with filters X
Demo tool and data for warehouse and inventory scenarios X
Easier to create opening balances for item tracked inventory X
Navigate easier between warehouse and inventory documents X
Post multiple transfer orders at the same time X
Preview item journals and 20 other journals and documents before posting X
Ship and receive non-inventory items on warehouse documents X
Undo transfer shipments X
Usability improves for item tracking codes visibility, creation of new entries X
Usability improves for transfer order select multiple items, mandatory fields X
Usability improves for warehouse, inventory, and tracking areas X
Use advanced warehouse functionality with minimal complexity X
Availability overview helps you calculate quantities in your warehouse X
Block item variants X
Configure how to handle different warehouse operations X
Edit in Excel on item journals and warehouse worksheets X
Identify and track items easier with item references X
Improved processes for inventory counts and adjustments X
Print and scan barcodes X
Receive more items than ordered by using inventory put-away documents X
Usability improves for warehouse and inventory X
Use directed pick and put-away suggestions in basic warehouse configurations X
Miscellaneous BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
Send documents as emails with any attached files automatically added as email attachments X
Support authentication of an SMTP connection using OAuth 2.0 X
Get report (raw) data in Excel from the request page X
Add additional columns through personalization in various pages to gain more insight X
Edit in Excel in recurring general journals and intercompany general journals X
New automation API to create user groups X
Tour of Business Central to help users get to know the basics X
Unlock time sheets in Business Central using assisted setup and data entry on mobile devices X
Send mail from entities using Word templates as body or attachment X
Customer Consent capabilities for all features that exchange data with third-party services X
Document attachments are available on mobile devices X
Log emails using a shared mailbox and Graph API X
Two-digit year evaluates to 1950-2049 range X
Shopify connector X
Simpler Shopify connection X
Set up data exchange more easily X
Use multiline text fields with Word mail merge X
Easily comply with email-sending limits through email throttling X
Use default attachments in email sent from Business Central X
Access attachments on additional list pages X
Add more columns to pages for better insight X
Easier to set up price synchronization for Shopify X
Set up and sync master data across companies X
Shopify connector
Use enhanced mail merge with Word templates X
Usability improves for Shopify Connector X
Use attachments from document lines while sending emails X
Synchronize returns and refunds from Shopify X
Add more columns to pages for better insight X
Troubleshoot Shopify integration issues X
Service BC18 BC19 BC20 BC21 BC22 BC23
Service – minor

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